Mandatory: WWVP Checks for all Junior Coaches

10 Aug 2014 by Ainslie Gungahlin Baseball Club

It is compulsory for all junior coaches to obtain their WWVP checks. Baseball Canberra will be keeping data on all our junior coaches to ensure this is adhered to.

Registration can be completed on-line and takes about 15 minutes.

NOTE: Please ensure you allow pop-ups to ensure you can print a copy of application form at the end.

You can complete an online form for a Working with Vulnerable People (WWVP) registration at the Office of Regulatory Services website. The information is then submitted to the Office of Regulatory Services but is not lodged officially until you:

1.Complete, print and submit the online application.

2.Sign both the declaration and consent pages using black or blue pen.

3.Lodge your application by;
•Attending a participating Canberra Connect Shopfront; or,
•Posting your application to the Office of Regulatory Services.

Apply for working with vulnerable people registration.

If you any questions relating to the process or the specifics of the WWVP Act, please contact the Office of Regulatory Services. Ph: 6207 3000